Published by Atmosphere Press for release in June 2024.

Network Apprentice Cover

A satirically-edged novel that exposes deceptions embedded in the cruel myth that Americans are entitled to live in an affordable riskless society and our Governments should, can, and will provide it.

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The book is also listed on NetGalley.

Inspired by personal experience with media deceit, my new novel also honors the wisdom of the legendary 20th Century sage-of- the age Pogo when he said, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

Follow Julie Anders as she navigates the complexities of a Master’s degree in Broadcast Journalism, then endures a frustrating apprenticeship at MRABC, where she’s in continuous conflict with her Network Brass. Her journey finally turns positive when she receives the recognition she deserves at Rocky Mountain PBS. Challenging adventures of delight take Julie to amazing places: the backcountry of Yellowstone Park and the Devil’s Causeway in the Flattops of Colorado. On a later journey to the Causeway’s non-secular polar opposite at Angels Landing in Zion, initial delight reverses and confronts her with deep despair.

In this novel I challenge many currently popular beliefs. It may be the first book    in contemporary fiction with a Grizzly bear claiming its opening scene and most of chapter one.


Network Apprentice is a thought-provoking and hugely entertaining read that offers a fresh perspective on the world of broadcast journalism and the societal myths it perpetuates. With its engaging plot, richly drawn characters, and sharp wit, this novel will undoubtedly captivate readers from start to finish.”

— The Book Commentary

“This novel is beyond relevant. Anyone interested in political science or the nature of talk television will gain much from Network Apprentice, an engaging, statistical-driven exploration and critique of modern network news and the contemporary issues they choose to cover or not to cover. This fictionalized account of broadcast journalism smartly highlights the misrepresented and untold truths within American media and the need to pander to a network’s political ideology instead of providing unbiased statistical facts and drawing logical rational conclusions instead of fearmongering.”

— Independent Book Review


“It’s the last non-number highly-politicized issue I may suggest to Danny, and it’s another subject that never dies. Angel Bright called it simply Russia, Russia, Russia.”

”My darling daughter. You are indeed on a roll. And the night is still young. Is there really anything to say about Russia that hasn’t been said ad nauseam many times before? If so, please enlighten me.”

“Probably not, Dad. But have you read any of the indictments resulting from the Mueller investigation?”

“Of course not. A horrible waste of time for any busy person.”

“Do you know anyone who has?”

“No. But then I don’t circulate with a crowd that tries to digest that kind of  politicized garbage dumped on American citizens. Do you know anyone who read the indictments?”

“Yeah, Professor Angel Bright did. They’re not very long. And we discussed them in class. She didn’t really lecture about them, so I don’t have a transcript. Nor was the class required to read them, although I did and I think others in the class did also. I have a few notes, not enough to provide Danny with a solid foundation for an opening monolog. And I’m not sure I have the appetite necessary to devour more research into Russian involvement in the last election. It’s a quicksand-like subject. You step into it and keep sinking deeper and deeper until you suffocate on a situation that eventually goes moot, except in the minds of political fanaticists.”

“So, how about you give me a summary of what you recall…time limit two minutes? If that’s possible. Think about the hundreds of millions of hours wasted on that three-year hoax by thousands in Government, tens of thousands in the media, tens of thousands practicing politicians, and millions of citizens addicted to ‘rabidly partisan political pornography’. Isn’t that how you said Professor Bright branded the profession she helped qualify you to enter?”

Julie smirks. “Wow, yes Dad. You quoted Angie Bright perfectly. And I love your numbers. Maybe Danny could use them. So, I’ll try to summarize a long and complex proceeding briefly. Then I’ll go wash my mouth out with soap and vomit what I just said into the toilet.

“First, as Professor Bright also informed us in class, know that a prominent Judge once proclaimed that ‘A clever Prosecutor can get a Grand Jury to indict a ham sandwich.’

“Now, on to the indictments. There were two of them. A key political was indicted twice. Once on two counts, tax evasion and lobbying for a foreign government without a license. Then a second time for money laundering. The Justice Department settled for a conviction on tax evasion. Brought in a few dollars…if the convicted criminal had any dollars left. Helped compensate the US Treasury for the millions of dollars wasted on the investigation and litigation proceedings. The third indictment resulted in a bunch of misbehaving Russians scolded and then kicked out of USA and sent home to Russia. That’s it. BFD. Cases closed.”.


“Dad…”now her tears are finally flowing…”Jason and I finally enjoy a soul-saving day together in a hallowed place, and then our dreams of a future together are destroyed in the silence of the night. How do I get over this?”

“You’ll never get over it Julie. Although it was so…so brief, know always that in your short time together what you two created for yourselves was beautiful. It will live in your memory forever, untouched by aging or changes in circumstance. That’s a good thing. And it’s okay to cry. For tears are what you mix with laughter to nourish your soul.”


“So you know, Alan, I don’t do political. Never will. I’m issue oriented , and I’ve resolved never to name a political party or use the names of our current President or his challenger. Those four words are too inflammatory.”

“I get that Julie. I don’t do political either. And as long as I’m a PBS station manager, there will be no partisan political bias in our programming. Not on my watch.”